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What is Saline Tattoo Removal?

Saline tattoo removal is a process by which we penetrate the skin with a saline solution (salt + purified water) to break up the tattoo pigment and pull it out of the skin. The procedure is similar to tattooing or microblading but instead of injecting ink underneath the skin, we’re doing the reverse, which is pulling it out.


We use LI-FT. LI-FT is currently the most effective and safest saline solution out there. We want our clients to have the best results possible, which is why we only use the highest quality ingredients and techniques. LI-FT is mainly made up of purified water, salt, lemon and orange seed extracts and so is very safe for your skin.


We are only offering saline tattoo removal for eyebrow tattoos and eyebrow microblading at this time.


This service is performed by Cole


How does it work?


  1. First, we use a numbing cream to help minimize any pain.

  2. We then sterilize the area.

  3. Using something similar to a tattoo gun, we penetrate the skin where the tattoo is and implant the saline solution into your skin.

  4. The solution then does its magic by breaking up the pigment and pulling it out to the outer surface of the skin through a process called osmosis.

  5. The extracted pigment heals into a scab and once it falls off you will find your tattoo being noticeably lighter.

  6. The healing process takes about 4-8 weeks depending on how fast your skin heals. More than one session might be required but only once the skin has completely healed.


Is Saline better than laser removal?

Depending on the quality of the ink that was used, it might be a lot safer to use the saline removal technique. With the saline removal procedure, the ink is pulled out of the skin into a scab that falls off vs with laser where the ink is absorbed by the body.



Depending on the color of your tattoo (especially if there’s white ink in it) the saline solution might be more effective. Laser removal works with certain wavelengths of light, which must be matched up to the color of the tattoo so that they can be removed. If the laser doesn’t have that particular hue, it might be hard to remove the tattoo. This is always the case for white ink since it reflects all colors and lasers can’t identify or remove it.



For people with darker or sensitive skin, this is a great alternative because we can prevent scarring from occurring.


Is a consultation required or offered before booking?

We do not offer in office consultations for permanent makeup at this time due to scheduling restrictions; however, we are happy to consult with you virtually.


All information discussed during a consultation can be found here on this FAQ form.


We recommend that you send us photos of your brows via text to (910) 629-2769 or email to, we will share our thoughts as to if we think saline tattoo removal will be beneficial for you, we can give you a ballpark estimate of how many sessions we think you may need, and answer any questions that you have.


Be sure your photos are taken in good lightening and the image is clear so we can see your brows well.


Am I a good candidate?

We are only treating brow tattoos and microblading removals at this time. (no body tattoos or any other form of permanent makeup)


You are not a good candidate for saline removal if:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Those who are prone to or have current keloid scarring in the brow area.

  • If you have uncontrolled high or low blood pressure and / or hypertension.

  • If you are diabetic, a signed doctor's note is required prior to being serviced.

  • If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis.

  • If you have uncontrolled Epilepsy.

  • If you are immunocompromised or have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder.

  • Those who have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or hepatitis.

  • If you are on antibiotics, you must finish the prescribed dosage prior to being serviced.

  • Those who are undergoing chemotherapy and / or radiation or have had chemotherapy and / or radiation treatments within the last year.

  • If you have any form of cancer and you are not being treated with chemotherapy or radiation, a signed doctor's note is required prior to being serviced.

  • If you take a prescribed blood thinning medication, you must talk with your doctor prior to booking your appointment. Blood thinning medication must be discontinued at least 7 days prior to your appointment. On the date of your appointment, you must bring a note from your doctor with his or her approval for you to have discontinued your blood thinning medication for the previous 7 days.

  • Those who are currently using Accutane or oral and topical Retinol products. You must no longer be on Accutane for at least 1 year prior to your procedure, oral Retinol products must be discontinued for at least 6 months prior to your procedure.

  • You must discontinue using the following products in and around your brow area for 6 weeks prior to your appointment: Retin-A / Retinol, Anti-Aging cream, Glycolic acid, salicylic acids, lactic acid, acne creams, serums to stimulate hair growth in the brows.

  • Those who have recently had any form of Botox or filler in or around the brow area. Please wait at least 4 weeks after you have received injections if you are considering removal. Please wait at least 4 weeks if you have or will be having removal done and you are considering receiving injections afterwards.

  • Those are using hair growth serums in the brow area must discontinue use for at least 6 weeks prior to your appointment.

  • If you have Seborrheic Dermatitis in the brow area, including during remission periods.

  • If you have any kind of skin condition on or near your eyebrows - eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, shingles, rashes, etc. 

  • Anyone under the age of 18.


How many sessions does it take?

Unfortunately, there’s no way for us to predict the number of sessions someone will need. There are several factors that affect your skin’s reaction. The size of the area to be treated, the type of pigment, the depth of ink insertion, the age of the tattoo, how the skin reacts to treatment and healing, and how well the client follows the aftercare recommendations.


On rare occasions, a brow tattoo will fade away after only one procedure, but be prepared for it to take more than one. We’ll have a good idea of your response after the first treatment has healed and will be able to gauge what it will take to achieve the effect you want. Once treatments have ended, lightning will typically continue for several months.


Is it painful?

As with all forms of tattooing, permanent makeup, and removals the pain level you experience will depend on your pain tolerance. Other factors such as your skin health, skin sensitivity, and menstrual cycle can increase your level of discomfort.

Your brows will be numbed for at least 20 minutes before the procedure begins and a secondary numbing solution will be applied in between each pass.


How long should I wait in between sessions?

You will need to wait 6-8 weeks before your next removal session to make sure the skin is fully healed. Waiting the appropriate amount of time will help to avoid scarring the skin.


How long should I wait before I can get new eyebrows?

New eyebrows can be done no less than 8 weeks after your last removal session as long as your skin is fully healed.


How much does it cost?

Saline tattoo removal will cost $175.00 per session


Do you offer emergency brow tattoo removal?



Emergency brow tattoo removal can ONLY be done if the brows were tattooed or microbladed within 48 hours of the removal procedure.


This service is not bookable on our booking site. If you need emergency removal, contact us directly ASAP (910) 629-2769 to see if we are available to take you. It is best to perform the treatment as early as possible within the first 48 hours after microblading or brow tattooing.


Depending on when you got your eyebrows tattooed or microbladed, we may need to book your emergency removal outside of our normal appointment hours. There will be a $100.00 convenience fee added to your service cost.

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